Sunday, February 27, 2011
A new read!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Saturday Happenings

Mom and Emily also helped train another dog. Abbie is a lab mix, and this was her first adoption event. Abbie was a tad hyper and very pully on the leash. So mom used a prong collar on Abbie and her and Emily took her around the store and outside for awhile. Abbie responded very well on the collar and was learning how to heel really good! Emily even worked with her and Abbie listened to her too! Here is a picture of Abbie:
They had a some applications filled out while they were there and one was on Lola! So mom and Em are hoping and praying that Lola will be going to her forever home very soon! Mom absolutely loves doing adoption events! She loves to work with the dogs and tell people all about them. Now she discovered she loves sharing these events with Emily and hopes to be able to do more with her. I hope so too! Emily has her own blog that she started. Emily loves to learn about animals and uses this blog to write about all she is learning. She also uses it to tell funny stories and talk about her own rescued pets. She is also learning to type so all the typing is hers. If you'd like stop by and check it out. She is a young girl that knows what she wants to do and is trying gain as much knowledge and experience as she can! Mom and I are very proud we are of her!
So I'm sure you were wondering what I was up too while mom was gone yesterday...yep snoozing in sun puddles!Woof!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Saturday Blog Hop-What's missing in the photo below?
Well something very peculiar has been happening here in Michigan in February. The picture below is of me getting ready for a walk....notice anything missing?
Sunday, February 6, 2011
My breed has a name!
Well after the Magical Mystery Mutt Tour, mom and I decided that my very creative muttigree needed a name. We talked it over for awhile and we decided on the following:
Yeah, mom and I are cracking up too!!!! Hee heee hee!
Let me know what your muttigree name is!
Friday, February 4, 2011
What kind of mutt am I?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Snow Day!!!