Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Gotch day and new blog address!!!
Well it's Kirby's gotcha day and I thought a fun way to celebrate would be to start a new website/blog for him. I have had way too many issues with blogger, as you can tell from the blog it is really messed up now and I have no idea why!!! I can't even use a new template! So, I found the website "Weebly" and have designed Kirby's website and blog around it. I have tested it with my family and it's easy to leave comments on and manuever so please stop by and let me know what you think! Kirby's gotcha day post is on it. Here is the link:
I'm still figuring some things out and will be adding new stuff so soon so keep checking back. If you have problems getting to it or leaving comments, leave a comment on this blog and I will try to fix it, but it seems to work really well!
Loving Kirby,
Kirby's mom
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Dog Day in the Park

They also had a canine free style demo. It was so hot by this time of the day, the dogs really didn't want to perform well, but it was fun to watch. At the end, you could go into the ring and get some pointers from them, so Kirby and I did. The lady we worked with was dressed in pink because she was a cancer survivor. She danced with her Akita who also was decked out in pink. Their group is based in the southeast section of Michigan, about 4 hours from me, but we found out they are going to be opening a center in Grand Rapids in the fall and will offer all kinds of training for dogs, including freestyle!!! The lady in pink was very impressed with Kirby and what he already knew how to do. She also said to stick with rally as it would come in handy for freestyle. Here we are with the lady in pink, getting some pointers:
It was such a fun day, and Riverside Park is a beatiful park that I had never gone too before. I think Kirby and I will be going back to do some walking there. Here are some pics from our fun day:
We had a picnic by the water's edge. Actually, it was really flooded at the park and the water isn't usually up this high, but it made for a nice, shady place to have lunch:
This is my sister, Lori, and my neices Emily and Claire.
My goofy nephew Tyler:
In the pic below is Tyler being headlocked by "Griff". Griff is the mascot for the Grand Rapids hockey team. Lots of the mascots were there, and this one was having a blast with Tyler.
They had a doggy dash de lure course too, which I really wanted to do with Kirby. This is a course where they take a black crinkly bag and put it on a wire that runs an obstacle course and the dog chases it. This is right up Kirby's alley of fun, but the only thing containing the dogs was a snow fence and I just didn't want to take the chance of Kirby getting out. Maybe next year.
I brought Kirby a cute collar bandana there too, it slides around the collar, he was pretty happy about it:
Kirby and Claire, chilling out in the shade!
My sister and her "furry nephew". She is one of his biggest fans!
Kirby and me....HIS BIGGEST FAN!!!!
This Wednesday, I will have had Kirby for an entire year! Watch for a special post on our incredible first year together!
Loving Kirby,
Kirby's mom