Kirby here!
We are back, the computer is up and running except for one problem, we can't post to our blog! We can write the entry and save it, but can't post it! So we are wondering if any of you can help us. Mom's computer guy updated us to IE 9 and ever since we get "javascript void (0) errors" Has anyone gotten these before and if you did how did you fix it? So mom has asked my aunt Lori to post this entry in the meantime.
Mom and I will be spending some time this week and weekend checking up on all your blogs. We have missed following you guys and are so glad to be back!So a quick recap! Over Easter weekend my aunt Lori and the kids came and stayed the whole weekend! We went to a new park, Grand River Park! It is next to the Grand River and mom has been wanting to go here for a long time, but because it's kind of desolate, it wasn't a good idea to go just by ourselves. Well, the Grand River had flooded due to all the rain and I got quite muddy, kind of hard to tell by the pic below, but let's just say, I got a bath when I got home! See where the puddle is, there is a trail under it....somewhere!

I also got to play "Adventure dog" and climb a tree. I was certain I would have seen a squirrel but there were none to be found!

I got to spend lots of time with my Aunt Lori and the kids. I got to show off my tricks with her too:

I also got to spend a lazy morning in her arms:

Mom and Emily worked at an adoption event for Harbor too! Here is a pic of them, what a team!

Look at who they got to hang out with too! Below is beautiful Olivia, this is who mom and Emily hung out with. She is a beautiful pittie with a wonderful temperment. Mom says Olivia is just a lover and just wants to be petted and loved. Mom found out Saturday that Olivia got adopted! She went into a home with 3 kids between the ages of 12 and 5, the family previously had a pit and wanted another one and just fell in love with her. Yeah for Olivia!:

Mom did another event Saturday and she got to hang out with Boomer. He is a 10 month old hound boxer mix. Mom says he has lots of energy but is super smart and is going to make a great dog for the right family:

Mom also spent time with these other dogs. Do you remember our previous post about
Abbie. Mom really thought this family was going to adopt her, mom found out later that they didn't. Mom was really bummed because Abbie has been there for quite awhile. Here is a picture of beautiful Abbie:

Mom also had a pittie mix named Bishop there, mom said that life for Bishop is a party and he is the center of it! You can tell by his picture, just look at that smile:

Then there was also Carlos, a 6 month old pittie mix. Mom said he was just completely adorable and a total toy hoarder. If one of the other dogs had a toy he wanted he stood there and barked at them, mom said he provided lots of laughs for them at the event. A family filled out an application for him at the event so we are hoping he is getting adopted this week!:

They also had a little 4month old pit lab mix puppy there named Buddy. Mom said he was such a cuddler and had the best puppy breath ever!

We haven't had rally for the past few weeks because our instructor is at a conference but mom and I have been practicing on our walks. Mom has made me wear something called a "halti." Well, let's just say I'm not too fond of it, but I'm getting tons of treats so it's bearable! Well, I'm probably missing some details but I think I gave you all the highlights! Can't wait to see what you all have been up too!
Oh! Here is a pic of someone special coming into my life soon. Are you wondering who she is? Well, it's kind of suprise! I will let you know more soon!:

Kirby's mom here-I wanted to update you on the use of the halti. Right now my reaction is WOW! Kirby has done really good with it and it has helped immensely around other dogs. One night we were at a park and walked right past a dog, that I didn't even know was there, but Kirby did and all Kirby did was look at him! We went to Lori's house last Saturday and met her and her dog Dillion at a park. Kirby has met Dillion before and it didn't go well at all. But that day Kirby was able to walk right past him and be totally in control of himself! He still wasn't fond of Dillion if he came up to him,but he didn't growl or bark, he just backed up...YES! Then when I went to my other sister's house we went out for a walk. In here neighborhood there are several dogs that are kept in yards by electric fences and one of them is extremely dog reactive. Well the first time we walked by her Kirby reacted himself but the halti helped to keep him under some control. When we returned to walk past her again, Kirby ignored her and watched me....YES! Then the other morning we met another girl and her dog out walking. This dog's name is Lady and is a nice dog, but has no doggy manners and Kirby isn't fond of her. Well Kirby stood by me and her owner only let her come so far near Kirby. Kirby just stood and stretched and walked away...YES!!!! No growling or nothing! So far the Halti is proving to be a very valuable tool for us! I am hoping that if we get enough good experiences under our belt, that the bad ones won't throw us off to much!
Enjoying Kirby,Kirby's mom